Earning trust through years of experience.

Quick staff meeting of the minds

Eric Cressey and Karl after pre game BP

November – September
A personal comprehensive program built to support your game as you progress through professional baseball.
Damage Hitter Studios MAP
Professional Baseball Players 16 and up if you are from outside the USA and 17/18 and up if you are from the USA.
The application and emails to follow is to get you the information you need for Karl Carswell to be your Professional Hitting Consultant. After your application is submitted Karl will begin working on his Personal Professional Hitting Consultant plan for you. Initially the plan will be built on basic information shared. By the time you and Karl finish this process we will have the foundation of your training and development plan.
IMPORTANT: There is no fee to finalize this application. It is for information purposes only. Please take your time in filling it out and make certain you provide information that gives us the best opportunity to help you reach your goals. The form you are filling out will go to damagehitter@gmail.com and you do not need to do anything else until you receive the response.
Thank You!
Damage Hitter